
TextMarks API V2 - AutoDoc: TextMarkManager / set_branchpost_config()

Method: set_branchpost_config() (POST) - Set branchpost (external network auto-post) settings

Package: TextMarkManager - Manage a TextMark owned by authenticated user (... View package)


Req? Name Type Description Test
REQ auth_user User User account / phone# used for login
REQ auth_pass Password Password
REQ tm TextMark TextMark keyword/TRI owned by auth_user
REQ branchpost JSON Branchpost JSON config (list)
OPT api_key API Key API Key (Register here)



  • Set TextMark's "Branchpost" settings and return as JSON chunk.
  • When Branchpost is defined for a TextMark and that TextMark has an alert posted to it, the alert text is also delivered to each target as defined in the Branchpost list.
  • Branchpost data is a list of branchpost entries, each a dict containing authentication and identification info sufficient to interact with the service indicated. The extnet entry of each dict indicates the service (external network) the entry refers to.
  • Current supported extnets and their required fields:
    • post_json: Post alert as JSON to URI indicated.
      • uri: URI to post to. Some param substitution is done.
  • No more than 4 Branchpost entries may be defined at any time in any TextMark.
  • See branchpost_config() to read the current settings.


JSON response.head.rescode==0 for success, or error code otherwise.
JSON-P callback: (as 'jsonp' param, optional) (blank for none)


POST http://help.api2.textmarks.com//TextMarkManager/set_branchpost_config/


This page documents a single API function set_branchpost_config() within the TextMarkManager package of the TextMarks Text Message API.
You may use the interactive form above to invoke this function and observe its actual JSON response.

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